Dr. Meine Veldman
Doyen académique & Professeur
B.A. (U. de Waterloo) MTS (Conrad Grebel, U. College) Ph.D. en Théologie (St. Michael, U. de Toronto) : Théologie Systématique, Théologie de la Réforme. Publications: H.F. Kohlbrügge and Karl Barth on the Word of God and ‘Man’, 2009. God Speaks: Revelation, Justification, and Regeneration in the Theology of E. Böhl and His Critique of Albrecht Ritschl, Anoka, Faith Alone Publishing, 2009. Romans 7: A Paraphrase and “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”, Dr. H.F. Kohlbrügge, With Introductions by Rev. Dr. Meine Veldman, Minneapolis, Faith Alone Publishing, 2009. Articles: “Some Hermeneutical Reflections on the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification”, La Revue Farel 2, 2007, p. 20-37. “Secrets of Moltmann’s Tacit Tradition: via Covenant Theology to Promise Theology”, Journal of Reformed Theology, vol. 4, No 3, Brill, 2010, p. 208-239. “A Summary, Analysis, and Critique of Moltmann’s Understanding of the imago Dei”, Journal of Reformed Theology, vol. 10, No 1, Brill, 2016, p. 29-51. Article-revue: « l’herméneutique biblique de Brownson, le genre, la sexualité, et ses implications révolutionnaires », Théologie Évangélique, vol. 15, No 1, 2016, p. 62-81. |