Faculté de Théologie Évangélique based in Montréal and Affiliated with Acadia University
About FTE
Who we are
What we believe in
Our mandate
Our story
Our teachers
Our Dean Shares about our Vision
FTE News
Meet Some of our Professors
Selected Publications in English by our Professors
The courses
Systematic Theology
Church History
Practical Theology
Biblical Studies
Why Support the Faculty?
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Dr. Raymond Perron
Un peu d'informations sur nous
M.Div. (Toronto Baptist Seminary) ;
Ph.D. en théologie (U. Laval) : Théologie pratique, Apologétique.
Publications :
Plaidoyer pour la foi chrétienne, Montréal, Publications de la FTÉ, 1996 ;
« Watch Your Doctrine », Dear Timothy ; « Common Grace and Apologetics ».
About FTE
Who we are
What we believe in
Our mandate
Our story
Our teachers
Our Dean Shares about our Vision
FTE News
Meet Some of our Professors
Selected Publications in English by our Professors
The courses
Systematic Theology
Church History
Practical Theology
Biblical Studies
Why Support the Faculty?
Contact us